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My hope for you...

It has been a couple months since our last post and I suppose that's for several reasons, 1. what can I say that hasn't already been said; 2. each time I sit down to write an entry in this blog it's a reminder of why this foundation was started (not that I don't think about that every day but it hits differently); and lastly there's guilt that I'm here and you aren't.

I think at this point almost everyone has heard the song "I Hope You're Dancing In The Sky" but a few months back on your favorite app, TikTok, I ran across a remake of the song from the angels perspective. As much as I bawl every time I hear it; it also brings comfort. The song encourages us to and seize the day, explore and have adventures; to live our lives. It reminds us to never give up and that one day we will reunite. That although if feels like everything is missing, you are right here every day.

My hopes for you:

I hope you are dancing.

I hope you are singing.

I hope you are laughing, those big ol' belly laughs.

I hope there is more glitter than you know what to do with.

I hope you are doing handstands.

I hope you are finding all the nearest pottys (you know we'll need them when we get there)

I hope you are strong.

I hope to hear you talk non-stop for days when I see you.

I hope you continue to show us you're still with us.

I hope you are proud.

I hope you haven't lost any sass.

I hope you are ok.

And most of all I hope you know how much we love and miss you.


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