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Memories sneak up on me

Updated: Nov 18, 2020

I was in a meeting yesterday at work and they were talking about traditions and things that spark happy memories. There were so many that made me think of you. Its crazy that a song, word, phrase, or smell reminds me of you. Anytime any of us see a butterfly were always reminded of you, and boy have we seen a lot. I find comfort in is those moments where I might have a million things on my mind but you give me a little "it will be ok" sign. Like this morning driving to work and “Knocking Boots” comes on and the only thing I can think about is your TikTok where you were dancing to that song. I shared a story yesterday about you telling Mommy to watch for Reindeer when we were going to MawMaws house. Uncle Jerad has said "crusty, rusty, dusty" several times and just kind of laughed because he remembers you saying that, don’t worry he gives me lots of trouble about poop cramps too.

Although our traditions have changed in the past year, for more than one reason, I know that we do our best to keep the ones that you loved. Sometime keeping those traditions going is a hard thing to do; but we do them because we know you are watching us and making sure that we’re spending time together and doing those things reminds us a little bit more of you.


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