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Hey, Hey, What Can I Say?

Can you tell me about your involvement with the Morgan Anderson S3 foundation?

I am currently the president.

You are a 501(c)3 what does that mean?

We are non-for-profit, tax-exempt foundation recognized by The State of Missouri, established for charitable purposes only.  Which means that the board and foundation does not profit from any funds raised.

I understand that you have a board of directors, who serves on the board?

The current board consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, 6 board members, and 4 Jr. Board Members.

What is the mission of the foundation?

Our mission is “Seeking to inspire and give back to our community.  The Morgan Anderson S3 foundation is committed to turning loss into legacy and creating a better world.” 

One of your hashtags is #turninglossintolegacy; what is the legacy you are hoping to achieve?

The legacy we are hoping to achieve is to continue Morgan’s passion for service, integrity, compassion and inclusivity. We hope to inspire others to engage in their community through acts of service.  Encouraging those around us to leave the world a better place; by completing small acts which often do not garner attention or recognition.

What does the S3 stand for?

The S3 represents 2 things.

Sassy, Strong, Stubborn is in reference to Morgans personality and demeaner. Our girl was as sassy and as stubborn as they come.  Prior to her medical incident we redecorated her room to give it a pre-teen sparkle.  One of the quotes that we found that resonated with both her and I was from Stephanie Bennett Henry “Life is tough my darling, but so are you.” This quote followed us throughout our journey and hospital stay and has become a quote that we have all come to live by.  Even on our worst days, our toughest obstacles won’t stop us if we remain Morgan strong. 

The other is Service Sacrifice and Scholarship. Which are the values we hold dear.  These values remind us to continue to serve even when no one is looking.

How were the 2 schools chosen?

Morgan’s Mom’s family has generations of graduates from Herculaneum High School.  Both Morgan and her brother attended Pevely Elementary for several years. Morgan’s Dad and his brothers all graduated from Festus. After a move both Morgan and her brother both attended Festus School District for the remainder of their academic career. 


How are applications obtained?

The president works with the school counselors to determine a deadline that algins with the school calendar for their respective districts.  Once the applications are obtained the counselors then reach out to the president to coordinate a pickup of the applications.


Once the applications are ready for review, how do you ensure fair and unbiased voting?

The president is the only person who sees the applications prior to any identifying information being redacted. All identifying information is redacted via white out from the application, essay and letters of recommendation.  Each application is then given a number correlating with the school (i.e. F1, F2, H1, H2 etc.)  The president and vice president both abstain from all voting processes.  In the event that an applicant is related to or known by a committee member; said committee member recuses themselves from the voting process. All board members then identify their top applicants, which are then tallied and a discussion of the highest ranked applications for each school occurs.  In the event of a tie, the Vice President; whom also does not vote and is unaware of the identity of the applicants, will cast the deciding vote (this has yet to happen).


What attributes do you look for in an applicant?

While many scholarships focus on GPA and academic successes.  We encourage all students with a heart for serving their communities to apply.  A true steward of the foundation may not have the highest GPA but their passion for helping others reflects the values this foundation was founded on. 

Outside of the scholarships in what ways is the foundation involved within the community?

Each year, the foundation partners with the American Heritage Girls Troop MO3110 in supplying bags and supplies, for local foster children.  We provide blankets to the Veterans Home and Children’s Hospital, which offer comfort during difficult times.  The Foundation has been blessed to be able to provide Christmas gifts for families in both districts, as well as the veterans home.  We have proudly donated to local foods banks during the holiday season. Morgan Anderson S3 Foundation supports school nurses by providing needed clothing for students in both districts.  As a way to involve our youngest supporters, we work with local nursing homes to provide some holiday cheer to residents via Christmas cards.  As well as a variety of other service projects; including supporting Festus Middle Schools’ The Morgan Anderson Kindness Club/TREND.

How are those community involvement activities funded?

All of our community support opportunities; as well as the scholarships are funded by donations and fundraising throughout the year.  Our biggest fundraiser is our Annual Golf Scramble.  We truly could not continue our mission without the support of the community who loves Morgan and believes in the mission of The Morgan Anderson S3 foundation.

Do you have any upcoming events or projects you are currently working on?

Yes! We currently in the beginning stages of planning our 4th annual Golf scramble which will be September 7, 2024 at Oak Valley Golf Course. (Mark your calendars now!)  We have recently begun collecting plastic bottle caps, which will be used to make a recycled bench that will be placed at both school districts.  Any other events are announced on our social media.  


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