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Happy Birthday

Updated: Jul 19, 2020

I remember the day you were born. I had kept your big brother so that Granny, Grandma Marsha and Grandpa Tom could be there to meet you. Once we got the call we came to see you; Trey was so proud carrying that little bunny to meet you. He told anyone that would listen he was going to see his baby sister. When we got there and were looking at you through the glass Trey says "she kinda looks like a duck." Where he got that who knows but he's kinda funny like that. He was beaming with pride when he got to hold you and kissed your little forehead, he's a good brother but you know that.

Now that I look at these pictures, I'm not quite sure that you ever understood that the cake goes in your mouth (just kidding). I hope you have a great 12th birthday, we miss you bunches.


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