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A Smile So Sweet...

I have tried to write this blog entry more times than I care to admit, I start then all of a sudden I just cant type anymore. It's hard for me to fathom that it has been almost a year since you gained your wings.

I read an article shortly after your passing titled "I will always talk about you like you are still here" and boy do I. I talk about pretty dresses, find myself saying "Whatever Trevor", looking for all the glitter and watching slime videos because "they're so satisfying"; but most of all I find myself smiling. I smile because I remember those sweet smiles you gave that could melt almost anyone's heart. Those 'I might be up to something but you'll probably just laugh about it' smiles; like the time you put fake poop on Granny's car and cracked up when it scared her. Those I just "burned" Trey smiles. The stories that others have shared about you make my heart happy and make me smile, even though I'm sad you are gone.

I know that you are letting all of us know you are ok and watching out for us with the butterflies and little I got you moments. Please keep those up, they bring us comfort on the hardest days and let us know that its ok to be happy on the good days. We miss you more than you could ever know, we love you but just.... a little bit.


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